有看我的blog的都知我的皮膚是混合敏感肌, 水油不平衡, 臉易泛紅!

但又貪新鮮, 時常試用一些不同的品牌, 希望可以找到適合自己用的護膚品~


就選了2個它的皇牌產品 Skin drop & high protency concentrade,

現在都用了一段時間, 覺得keep得皮膚很穩定, 很少敏感泛紅~



Sothyto 是英國經有機認証的草本療法護膚品, 最少用得放心~





Skin drop 敏感精華液, 非常溫和, 用了一支已覺敏感好轉, 少了泛紅~ 即使是極敏感的皮膚也適合用! 一盒有15小支, 每支only 5ml, 不過我只是兩邊面及眼用, 早晚用都每支可用2,3星期算拭用!


“Sophyto helps supplement skin's natural protection against pollutants with the polyphenol compounds in this 96% organic serum. The ultra-light, delicately scented formula combines antioxidant-rich Apple, Green and White Tea and Olive Leaf extracts to benefit skin, leaving it healthier and more radiant. The Aloe Vera juice based blend is packaged in individual doses for optimum freshness. It's ideal for all skin types, especially sensitive or inflamed skin and will help calm skin following professional treatments such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels or microdermabrasion. pH 4.8 for normal skin.”


High protency concentrade 減少幼紋的精華液, 其實我都不知有沒有效, 因為我沒有太多紋, 只是用在預防產生幼紋! 而且也非常溫和, 心想即使十分有效, 但刺激皮膚對我來說都是浪費(家裡還有好幾支不能用的精華), 所以keep住一值用. 也是一盒有15小支, 每支5ml.


“Sophyto Skin Energising serum protects the skin while diminishing the signs of aging. The lightweight formula utilizes a broad-spectrum blend of multi-tasking organic ingredients, including Burdock and Dandelion root in a base of Aloe Vera juice, to fight free radicals and target dull, aging skin conditions. Gentle enough to use around the eye area, the individually sealed doses help reveal a softer, smoother complexion. The lightly scented formula is ideal for all skin types, especially sensitive or inflamed skin and will help calm skin following professional treatments such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels or microdermabrasion.. pH 4.8 for normal skin.”


其實我買這兩盒前已買一盒travel sets 試用, 覺得好用才再買大盒, 想試的朋友也可先試travel sets, 不過就唔抵啦~ 一盒好像$180只有5小支!

Cleanser - too mild~ 清潔力不足!

Purify & Energise Super Bioactive – 另一皇牌, 人參緊緻露, 說明有去水腫效果 (太少測試不出有沒有去水腫!)

Face cream – 不適合香港天氣, 比較笠..


Skin Drop – 已介紹~

Mask – 到現在還沒試!

* Ultra Mild Silken Cleanser provides the simple care that all complexions require using effective cleansing bio-compatible ingredients.
* Purify & Energise Super Bioactive finalizes the cleansing process which pre-conditions skin to accept treatment based products.
* Normalising Day Face is a non-greasy moisturizer that instantly nourishes skin with bio-compatible, restorative protection.
* Polyphenol Skin Drops is an effective addition to any skin care regime to impart remarkable antioxidant protection.
* Purifying Active Mask supports the gentle, yet effective elimination of harmful environmental impurities from the epidermis.

上網查過, 很多website online買比香港買更貴, 可能是英磅買特別貴所以在香港買, 門市也有tester 可試.

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    寶藍 Polly


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